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What to Bring to a Festival in a Heatwave


2 min read.

Whether it's five nights camping at Glastonbury or a one day visit to Wireless, navigating through mass crowds to different stages in extreme heat is an experience in itself.

It’s an exciting time but with increased sweating and long durations in direct sunlight it’s increasingly important to be aware of your wellbeing.


With this in mind, we’ve prepared a list with the top six things you should bring to a festival to stay safe and comfortable in hot weather.


1.     Water: Staying hydrated is of utmost importance in intense heat. Make sure you bring an adequate supply of water or a refillable water bottle to drink throughout the festival, even if you don’t feel thirsty. Bringing your own water means avoiding long bar queues during the festival and reducing risk of missing your favourite acts!


2.     Sunscreen: Make sure you protect your skin from harmful UV rays with a reliable sunscreen with a high SPF, such as the Calypso Once A Day.  We recommend applying sunscreen underneath your makeup or any glitter for extra SPF protection against UV rays throughout the day.


3.     Hat and sunglasses: Shield your face and eyes from direct sunlight with a wide brimmed hat and a pair of sunglasses.


4.     Lightweight and breathable clothing: The last thing you want whilst watching your favourite bands and artists is an irritable hot and sticky feeling. Avoid this and enjoy your time by opting for lightweight and loose fitting clothing to keep your body temperature regulated.


5.     Mini fan: Whilst stood in warm, crowded places, a mini fan will provide instant relief; as well as making you very popular with people around you.


6.     Electrolytes: It’s important to remember when you sweat you will be losing electrolytes. Bring a sports drink or Dioralyte to replace what you lose throughout the day, maintaining your energy.


Even after taking these precautions, a long day of sun exposure can take a toll. Prioritise your health and stay aware of your body’s signals, such as dizziness, fatigue or signs of heatstroke. Seek shade when you can and pace yourself throughout the day. Ensure you have a good, cooling After Sun, such as the Calypso Aloe Vera Gel to soothe and moisturise any burn after your day in the sun.


Before packing the essentials, plus whatever else you might choose to bring along, ensure you check the festivals bag policy as there may be restrictions on how much you are able to bring in. You will be able to find this listed within the FAQ section.


Regardless of how daunting it may appear to attend festivals in temperatures higher than anticipated, as long as you look after yourself, you’re good to go. Kick back and have fun!

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